Virtual Workshops Available!

Get help with educating your community about creating an equitable and safe place for all. Empower your community to reduce and repair the effects of sexism, racism and homophobia.

Talk to a Racial Equity Consultant

Are you looking for a Racial Equity Consultant to help shift the culture of your organization or seeking an expert to answer questions for media or book publishing? We can help!

Become a SPARK Campus Affiliate

A SPARK Campus Affiliate consists of a representative cross-section of students, faculty, and administrators, trained by Mamie Till Mobley Enterprise, Inc., to provide anti-racism and social justice programs across campus.

The Cost of Racism = 16 Trillion over the past 20 years

and there’s little money for businesses like ours looking to do social good for our communities. We’re helping them raise capital to reverse discriminatory practices.

Trainings & Resources

Looking for diversity and inclusion resources to train the faculty and staff your school or members of your organization on social justice? Use our SPARK Method.

The SPARK Method is an intersectional model for how to see, acknowledge and counter racism while also creating and building sustainable anti-racist systems for collective liberation.

Identity Exploration Project

Go on a personal journey to learn more about your own identity and the culture, messages and values that have been passed down to you since birth.

Play Your Card: An Interactive Dialogue

Download the rules of the game. Grab your deck of cards and start raising your racial consciousness today!

The SPARK Curriculum

A 6 Part collection of workshops and trainings that are designed with elements of the SPARK method that center collective liberation. Click here for more info.

The SPARK Box: An Anti-Racist Experience

Monthly membership subscription for our network of professionals and scholars who want to learn how to become anti-racists together.

Weekly Racial Healing Circle

As we reimagine what justice and a free society look like, we need more dialogue and more resources to support that vision. We host Racial Healing Circles each week where we talk about the concerns of our community and strategize ways to realize the just world we keep dreaming about. To register for an upcoming Racial Healing Circle click the link below.

Register Now


Amberly R. Carter, M.Ed

Amberly is a social justice educator and the CEO of Mamie Till Mobley Enterprise, Inc.​ She is a cousin of Emmett Till, 14-year-old Chicago boy who was kidnapped and murdered in 1955 for allegedly whistling at a White woman in Money, MS. Till’s killers were acquitted by an all-White jury after 67 minutes of deliberation but later confessed to the crime for $4,000 to Look Magazine. Emmett Till’s murder and his mother, Mamie Till Mobley’s decision to hold an open casket funeral is said to have sparked the Civil Rights Movement. It was the sight of his brutalized body on the cover of Jet Magazine that pushed many who had been content to stay on the sidelines directly into the fight for justice. Mamie fought for the justice of Emmett Till’s murder until her death. Amberly has picked up the baton and continues to run this race towards justice for Emmett Till. Mamie Till Mobley Enterprise, Inc. is a space where she’s inviting all of us to join the mission – Making justice the business of us all!

Our Impact


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